Let's start with the obvious joke: Stan Dewulf ofAG2R Citroen had an extremely shitty day.

He crashed into a literal manure mountain at the Grand Prix de Denain yesterday when he lost control on a left-hand turn and sailed off the cobbles and into the muck.

While these smaller events rarely get much coverage outside of the cycling space, Dewulf’s full yard-sale into shit mountain really has the internet buzzing, with memes popping up all over Instagram and major news organizations (like us!) gleefully using this as a chance to put that ‘shit’ in our headlines.

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What is the Grand Prix de Denain, and how can I watch it?

In case you were wondering, the Grand Prix de Denain is a longstanding one-day in France that runs 194.7 kilometers, starting and ending in Denian. While Dewulf is the one making headlines right now, it’s worth noting that the race was won by Juan Sebastián Molano.

You can watch the full race on GCN+, but thankfully, they were kind enough to post the best (worst for Dewulf) bit of the race on Twitter:

This content is imported from twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Naturally, the Twitter commentary was heavy on the poo jokes. As it should be. A few solid ones included:

  • I'd pegged him as Number Two in the sprint...
  • Not often the rider gets the pressure wash before the bike….
  • Well, he already had brown shorts.
  • Someone's not getting on the team bus!

Dewulf was bummed

Unfortunately, while Dewulf put on a brave face, he wasn't thrilled about the result.

He later wrote on Instagram, “All jokes aside, I feel disappointed about today. The legs were feeling great and I was positioned well in the race. To see the group I was in making it to the end, that just really hurts... Physically I’m okay but mentally I’ve gotten a big blow today.” (He did Story a few screenshots and videos of the crash itself and laughed about it, so he’s not too bummed about it.)

But still, as the French would say, Merde.

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Molly Hurford

Molly writes about cycling, nutrition and training, with an emphasis on women in sport. Her new middle-grade series, Shred Girls, debuts with Rodale Kids/Random House in 2019 with "Lindsay's Joyride." Her other books include "Mud, Snow and Cyclocross," "Saddle, Sore" and "Fuel Your Ride." Her work has been published in magazines like Bicycling, Outside and Nylon. She co-hosts The Consummate Athlete Podcast.