It’s time for the race announcement you didn’t know you needed: A semi-vague date and semi-definite location for Single Speed Cyclocross World Championships 2023. The time? Some day in November. The place? Santa Cruz, California. Are you ready for this? Probably not.

Of course, the 2023 Single Speed Cyclocross World Championships (a.k.a SSCXWC) will be brought to you by a band of shenanigans-loving cyclocrossers. The team behind Rock Lobster CX (now known on Instagram as Paul's Crusty ‘Cross Band) is putting on the race.

Their mission? “Let’s make single speeding not great again.”

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Gotta love the singlespeed side of cyclocross and the many unique characters in that scene. And in particular, the oddly high-production quality of this impressive trailer for November’s race.

Best race announcement video ever?

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Now, some of you may be watching this and wondering, ‘What exactly is the SSCXWC? Is it UCI sanctioned?’

As Sarah Sturm, last year’s women’s champion, explained on The Radavist, “Single Speed Cyclocross World Champs is the not-so-underground, fringe, party event that calls itself a World Champs and, in many ways, it is. But instead of (doing drugs) (marginal gains) that make you faster, you do things that make you slower like keg stands, whiskey shots, and hot dog hand-ups.”

The answer to the second half of the question, regarding the UCI, is an emphatic no.

Last year’s victors at the race, held in Durango, Colorado, included Howard Grotts (men’s), Sarah Sturm (women’s) and Robert Cummimgs (non-binary). Course features included this blow-up ramp:

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And yes, even an Olympian like Howard Grotts (along with the other 2022 winners) abides by SSCXWC’s long-standing (and singular) rule: If you win, you get the tattoo.

We’re excited to see what the Santa Cruz crew can do to top the antics of 2022. The announcement video leaves us with no doubt they’re up to the challenge.

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Molly Hurford

Molly writes about cycling, nutrition and training, with an emphasis on women in sport. Her new middle-grade series, Shred Girls, debuts with Rodale Kids/Random House in 2019 with "Lindsay's Joyride." Her other books include "Mud, Snow and Cyclocross," "Saddle, Sore" and "Fuel Your Ride." Her work has been published in magazines like Bicycling, Outside and Nylon. She co-hosts The Consummate Athlete Podcast.