One ride that’s always worth adding to the cycling bucket list: a century. Clocking 100 miles in one sitting is certainly a challenge, but it’s also doable—and training for it doesn’t have to take up all of your nights and weekends. In fact, you can train just three days a week with this century ride training plan.

This eight-week schedule includes one long, one steady, and one speedy ride each week and has you hitting triple digits so you’re ready for the starting line. To help you crush your century with confidence, we also gathered tips on how to tackle each workout on the plan, and strategies for making your 100-mile race day a sweet success.

The Workouts on Your Century Ride Training Plan

Long Ride: The Meat

In your first week of this century ride training plan, you’ll want to ride 1.5 to 2 hours, or about 20 miles, and build from there. If you’re already comfortable with a longer ride than week 1 prescribes, start with 2.5 to 3 hours and follow the same guidelines for mileage building, topping off at about 85 miles.

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Do your long rides at a steady, but not taxing, pace—about 70 to 75 percent of your maximum heart rate. Though most cyclists find that Saturdays or Sundays work best for their long rides, it doesn’t matter which day you choose as long as you get it done.

Steady Ride: The Bread and Butter

During these 100-mile century training plan rides, aim for two to four longer efforts (15 to 30 minutes in length; 15 minutes easy pedaling in between) that increase your breathing and elevate your heart rate to around 80 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate.

Ride at threshold, as if you’re pedaling with someone slightly faster than you. These rides will simulate your goal for crushing a century and train your body to ride more briskly while maintaining comfort, so you can finish 100 miles faster and fresher.

Speed Ride: The Secret Sauce

Distance riders often skip speedwork during a century ride training plan because they think they need volume, not intensity, to go long. But riding fast improves your endurance by raising your lactate threshold, the point at which your muscles scream “Slow down!” When you raise this ceiling, you can ride faster and farther before your body hits the brakes.

After at least a 15- to 20-minute easy spinning warmup, aim to do four to six very hard or max efforts ranging from 30 seconds to 2 minutes; in between, spin easy for twice the length of the interval. Do these on a challenging stretch of road, such as a hill or into a headwind, during the suggested ride lengths listed in the chart below. Make sure to cool down with easy riding, too.

100 mile training plan   eight week guide

6 Tips for Riding a Century Successfully

Make Every Mile Count

Finishing a century means making the best choices for all 100 of those miles. So focus on each one—and conquer it.

Space Out Your Fuel

Stuffing yourself full of calories prior to the ride will divert blood to your stomach, which weakens your legs and slows you down. Instead, eat a carbohydrate-rich breakfast of 400 to 500 calories two to three hours before the event. Then aim to eat and drink 200 to 300 calories every hour thereafter.

Keep a Steady Flow

Consume at least one bottle’s worth of energy drink per hour (more if it’s hot) to provide electrolytes and a few carbohydrates. Choose a flavor that will entice you to sip often.

Pedal at Your Pace

The biggest newbie mistake when doing 100-mile riding is letting yourself be seduced into speeding along with faster riders early in the day, only to crack 60 miles into your 100-mile ride. Fall in with riders who pedal your pace and avoid going into the red (feeling breathless) for the first 50 miles—that’s how you’ll finish fresh and strong.

Move Around

Avoid aches and pains in your neck and back by changing your hand position often and standing out of the saddle to stretch periodically. Use stop signs or intersections as an opportunity to stretch out.

Keep Breaks Short

When you’re on a long ride, take advantage of rest stops to use the bathroom, refill bottles, stretch and grab some food. But don’t linger. A stop that lasts more than 10 to 15 minutes will cause your legs to stiffen up and make it harder to get going again.

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selene yeager
“The Fit Chick”
Selene Yeager is a top-selling professional health and fitness writer who lives what she writes as a NASM certified personal trainer, USA Cycling certified coach, Pn1 certified nutrition coach, pro licensed off road racer, and All-American Ironman triathlete.